Home Learning Tasks -  Week commencing 20th April 

Hello Year 2! Welcome back to your home learning after the Easter break. I hope that you are all well and looking after your families. Hoping to speak to you all this week and don't forget to comment under the tasks if you are not sure about anything, I am checking 😃 

Miss Drayton



BBC Bitesize has lots of great daily lessons, so if you want do more than one! 

Other subjects 

There are also lesson for Maths, History and Geography each day if you are interested in these. Feel free to chose what you want to do each day to keep it interesting.



Keep reading to an adult or sibling at home. Try and do this three times a week. 
Visit YouTube for these great reading comprehension tasks. I wonder if you can recognize the voice...



Keep up with Timestable Rockstars and Mathletics. 

I can see that some of you are logging into Mathletics and are working hard. Lots of you have not logged in for a long time, please make sure you are doing this if you have access to the internet at home. If you are having any issues please let me know, either when I am speaking to you on the phone or in the comment section below. 

Newgate Echo - Number One Clock | Posh Grey | 53cm | Black by Design

This week I would you like you to start to look at how to tell the time, using a clock with hands (analogue).
By the end of the week you should be able to recognize o'clock and half past. Here are some ideas to help you do this;


Challenge: Start to answer some of these questions;
What time do you get up in the morning? 
What time do you go to bed?
What time do you have lunch or dinner?  


How are you all getting on with the Joe Wicks workout? I hope that you are all feeling fit. Keep it up!


Miss Davies’ performance poetry family task

Hi everyone! Every week I am going to be sending you a poem. The whole family can join in learning and performing it! Here is some excellent advice from the maestro Michael Rosen to help make your performances really good
I will try and include videos of poets/children performing the poems to inspire you but your ideas will be the best.
Have fun x

Wb 20/4/20 Miss Davies’ performance poetry family task

Work together to learn and perform this poem. https://childrens.poetryarchive.org/poem/the-boneyard-rap/ This is a long one so you may want to just do the chorus!

The Boneyard Rap by Wes Magee

This is the rhythm of the boneyard rap,
knuckle bones click and hand bones clap,
finger bones flick and thigh bones slap,
when you’re doing the rhythm of the boneyard rap.

It’s the boneyard rap and it’s a scare.
Give your bones a shake-up if you dare.
Rattle your teeth and waggle your jaw
and let’s do the boneyard rap once more. (do 8 finger snaps)
This is the rhythm of the boneyard rap,
elbow bones clink and backbones snap,
shoulder bones chink and toe bones tap,
when you’re doing the rhythm of the boneyard rap.

It’s the boneyard rap and it’s a scare.
Give your bones a shake-up if you dare.
Rattle your teeth and waggle your jaw
and let’s do the boneyard rap once more. (do 8 finger snaps)
This is the rhythm of the boneyard rap,
ankle bones sock and arm bones flap,
pelvic bones knock and knee bones zap,
when you’re doing the rhythm of the boneyard rap.

It’s the boneyard rap and it’s a scare.
Give your bones a shake-up if you dare.
Rattle your teeth and waggle your jaw
and let’s do the boneyard rap once more. (do 8 finger snaps)

More information

Here are some other websites that you may find helpful during this time;

https://scratch.mit.edu/   Computing (we have done lots of this in class)


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