Home Learning tasks - Week commencing 30th March

Hello Year 2, 

I hope that you are all well and are enjoying spending some time with your loved ones. 
I am missing you all lots, don't forget that you can comment on the blog so I can see how you are getting on and if you need any help. 

Miss Drayton


Keep up with your reading at home. Make sure that you are reading to an adult at least 3 times this week. If you are running out of books at home let me know and I will see if it is possible for us to get some more to you.


Have a go at writing some some instructions on how to look after the dragon.
Remember to use; 
  • Headings and subheadings
  •  Equipment that you need
  • In order of what you need to do
  • Instructions are clear 

For an example of an instruction text go to;


Continue to use Mathletics and Timestables Rockstars. If you need the passwords please leave me a comment and I will ring you with your passwords.  

Play an addition and subtraction game using the dice;

Start with 20, roll the dice, subtract the number on the dice from 20 as fast as you can. 

For some more ideas have a look on these websites;


Practice a phase that is appropriate for you.

Follow the link to use this site for free;



Pick a task from below;

Starters for STEM activity


I hope that you are enjoying taking part in the Joe Wicks workouts, keep up with these. How many are you doing in a week?

More information

Here are some other websites that you may find helpful during this time;

https://scratch.mit.edu/   Computing (we have done lots of this in class)


  1. Do you need a computer for Scratch?From Zainab and Rayhan.

  2. Hello Zainab,
    You do need a computer or tablet to do this at home. If you wanted to do something like this without a computer you could write a set of instructions to get somewhere in your house.
    Start at the front door facing north,
    Take 3 steps forward
    Turn right....

    Then get someone to test these instructions out and see if they get where you want them to be.

    Hope that this helps.
    Miss Drayton


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