Home Learning 22nd June

22nd June 

Happy Monday Year 2!  I hope that you had a nice weekend and that you are ready to start your work for this week. I know that some of you are finding it tricky to do your learning online, so I have left some printed packs in the office (I am already doing this for some of the class). If you would like one, could you leave me a message in the comments section so that I can make sure that I have enough. 

If you are having any problems please comment on the blog or send me an email:
This is our class email address;  year2.cabot@bristol-schools.uk 

Thank you for everyone who is sending me pictures of your work, I love seeing it.
Miss you all and speak to you all soon. 


This week we are going to use the same website and complete the next set of lessons: https://www.thenational.academy/online-classroom/year-2/english#subjects

This has a video with the learning on for each day, hopefully you can see how it is similar to how we do our learning in the classroom. There is a lesson for each day for you to do. Make sure you go down the page a little bit until you can see these lessons, click on them in order, make sure you have your book ready to do the learning, while watching the video.  

This is a new text so if you haven't finished the lessons linked to The Firework Maker's Daughter please continue with these before moving on. 


This weeks topic  -Measurement 

You can still see the videos via this link but the worksheets are no longer available, so I have attached them underneath. Please let me know if there are any problems with this, either via the email address or in the comments section.


Phonics and Grammar 

Wednesday - Choose some of the common exception words that you find tricky and practice them. 

Ideas to do this;
  • You could get someone in your family to test you.
  • Play spelling tennis with a member of your family (pick a word and take it in turns to say each letter.
  • Cover the spelling and have a go at spelling it, then check if you are right.

Thursday - Follow the link below and watch the video and complete the tasks to learn about Verbs.



Follow the link below and watch the video and complete the tasks to learn about sound.


Miss Davies reading task is updated on Wednesday;

Hi Y1/2 Here is this week's reading fluency lesson https://youtu.be/7JzK7_y54gc
Miss Davies

I can see who is logging onto this so I can see who hasn't been able to log on at the end of the week. Please email me or leave a comment if you are having any issues. 

For reading please log in using the web address below;
Your username - your first name and the first letter of your surname.
(example; If your name was Sally Tally, your username would be SallyT)
Password -changeme
School code - capr


Choose from one of these links;

https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/editor/?tutorial=all - Pick a tutorial and then have a go at your own project. 
https://studio.code.org/s/coursec-2019 - Work your way through the different activities. 
