Home Learning 8th June


This week we are going to use the same website and complete the next set of lessons: https://www.thenational.academy/online-classroom/year-2/english#subjects

This has a video with the learning on for each day, hopefully you can see how it is similar to how we do our learning in the classroom. There is a lesson for each day for you to do. Make sure you go down the page a little bit until you can see these lessons, click on them in order, make sure you have your book ready to do the learning, while watching the video. 

This is the next lesson in the series, if you haven't finished the lessons from last week please continue with these before moving on.

You can still see the videos via this link but the worksheets are no longer available, so I have attached them underneath. Please let me know if there are any problems with this, either via the email address or in the comments section.

Lesson - week 7 Unit Fractions



Hi Y1/2 Here is this week's reading fluency video https://youtu.be/qF17NVf-dAI
Thanks Miss Davies


Monday - Looking at there, their and they're homophone

Watch the video to remind you of the different meanings for these homophones and then answer the questions.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GEgtjrAcRIo - pause the video and write down the answers.

Challenge; Write down the meaning of each of the words and then have a go at putting them into sentences of your own, or use the ideas from the video. 

What the following BBC Bitesize clip on compound words and then take the test.

World news 

Make sure that you are keeping up with important issues from around the world by watching Newsround.

PSHE - Celebrating different languages 

Watch this video about the different languages used in a Primary school in London. 

Idea 1: Do you speak another language? Which one? Have a go at translating a short book, like they did in the story or some sentences from one language to another.
Ideas 2: If you don't speak another language try and find and learn some new words in a language of your choice.

Empathy day Tuesday 9th June

Choose one of the activities to do; 

